Aneurysms + Cancer: There Has To Be A Better Way

When you hear "full body MRI," your mind might instantly jump to cancer detection and cancer screening. While it's true that MRIs are invaluable in spotting cancerous growths, there's another

Full Body MRI: A Life Saved

Recently, I received a phone call that brought our mission into sharp focus.It was from a man who had undergone a full-body MRI screening at our facility earlier this year
Bionicc Body Screening

“My Daddy Has Lung Cancer…”

It was just after dinnertime about 38 years ago...I was about thirteen years old. I heard some strange sounds coming from the living room of our house. I walked into the
Digestive Screening


We closely review the entire length of the digestive system from the mouth to the rectum for any signs of inflammation and tumors.
Joints Screening


We assess the bones and joints for any major arthritic degeneration, inflammation or non-ligamentary injury.
Spine Screening


We closely inspect the spine to identify disc bulges, herniations, osteoporotic fractures and trauma as well as many other spine conditions.
Male Reproductive Screening


We perform a detailed screen of the prostate for irregular size (BPH), cancers and inflammation.
Female Reproductive Screening


We are a great imaging modality for detecting early lesions in the uterus, ovaries as well as in dense breasts.
Urinary Screening


We evaluate the kidneys and bladder for tumors as well as assessing any hydronephrosis or other abnormalities