FEMALE REPRODUCTIVEWe are a great imaging modality for detecting early lesions in the uterus, ovaries as well as in dense breasts.
URINARYWe evaluate the kidneys and bladder for tumors as well as assessing any hydronephrosis or other abnormalities
LIVERWe diagnose a wide range of liver conditions and evaluate it for fatty liver disease and hemochromatosis.
BRAINWe evaluate brain health to diagnose aneurysms, tumors, signs of dementia and evidence of stroke.
GLANDULARWe evaluate your glands including your thyroid, adrenal glands and lymph nodes for any signs of abnormalities.
RESPIRATORYWe image the lungs and respiratory system to identify tumors, sinus disease and neck cancers.
CIRCULATORYWe identify signs of cardiovascular disease often even before your are aware of an elevated risk of heart attack or stroke.
CancerWe can diagnose a solid tumor almost anywhere in your body at Stage 1 when treatment is most effective and the prognosis is greatest.